On September 3-6, 2024, the "9th Measurement and Evaluation Conference in Education and Psychology" scheduled to be held on "Innovations in computer adaptive tests and applications of artificial intelligence in measurement and evaluation" has started its work in Eskişehir, Türkiye.
At the conference organized at Anadolu University, Natig Aliyev, head of the department of Development of Testing and Measurement Materials of the State Examination Center, Parviz Kazimov, head of the unit of Assessment of Competencies and Professional Potential, Aydın Gasimov, head of the Unit of Assessment of Skills, Habits and Work with Markers, head of the unit for Secondary Education Murad Aliyev and International Elmir Shirinov, head of the cooperation unit, is present.
Within the framework of the conference, the delegation of SEC made presentations in a special panel session named "State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan shares its development, experience and practices" dedicated to the development path, directions of activity, achievements and experiences of the SEC.
More information about the conference is available at the given link: https://kongre.epodder.org